Thursday, October 13, 2016

Psychological Inventions

Well, I've done some more research (as usual) and I found this website with a bunch of new technological treats. It claims Wake Forest University is working on developing electric clothes. Created by David Carroll and said to be fully developed within two years. Now don't worry you're not going to get electrocuted, basically it converts the heat off a span of your clothing into electricity. It doesn't give much power but according to Richard Morgan "a cellphone case lined with the material could boost the phone’s battery charge by 10 to 15 percent over eight hours." 

Another invention would be the Strap Game. According to Jenna Wortham Strap Game is a device that replaces those strap thingies you hold onto when you are on a subway. To keep you from getting bored on the train to work, and to alert you when you are nearing your destination. 

This next one is really crazy, the Shutup Gun. You can plan on this being developed in a little more than four years, because if this thing works, you're going to want it. Instead of shooting people this gun actually just records your victims voice. Kazutaka Kurihara, one of the creators says that if you record someone speaking and play it back to them with a delay of a few hundred milliseconds, it is possible that it will take away that person's ability to speak for the moment. A phenomenon that's called delayed auditory feedback. Once this is developed you could make anyone who's annoying you shut up.

This invention is also used to solve a psychological problem. That problem being that children are too big wusses now days. The solution: Terrifying Playgrounds. Yes, these playgrounds have a much bigger chance of injury, but really this all revolves around the theory that "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." The two Norwegian psychologists that developed this are trying to better prepare kids for life's challenges. Not to mention the fact that I would have enjoyed playgrounds much better if they had steep slides and epic monkey bars when I was a kid.

This stuff is all pretty darn cool and not once have I wrote on this blog and not found an interesting invention that I had no idea existed. 

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