Thursday, December 8, 2016


The world is becoming more and more robotic. Expensive they may be, robots are being created left and right to do simple tasks. The technology and material is improving so that robots will come in all shapes and sizes, allowing them to do things that humans never could.
Inventors will oftentimes use Bio-mimicry (copying nature) to create more efficient robots. As I list the robots below you will notice that many of them are knock-offs of something nature does.

  • Jumping Robots: Inspired by small monkeys known as bush babies, these robots can rapidly bounce off walls giving them jumping ability that no previous robot has ever had. In the future these could help scan disaster areas.
  • Improved Flying Robots: Scientists are testing parrots as they fly through laser-lit airborne particles so they can completely understand how animals fly. This shows that current flying-robots can be improved.
  • Artificial Intelligence: No, these robots don't actually think, but they can observe current strategies in one area and be able to help researchers with tasks that they already do. 
  • Deep Diving Killer-Robots: Years ago the Lionfish was introduced to the Atlantic Ocean and has been preying on the natural fish that keep the reef clean and healthy. So how do we deal with these threatening (and quite ugly) predators? We send in killer-robots that remotely zap the lionfish to control the population.
  • Soft Robots: Most robots are made from "nuts and bolts" and are almost completely metal. Researchers have started to try and make soft robots. As a result they are developing air muscles on robots to make them safer to interact with people.
  • Biobots: What if there was such thing as a cyborg? Well, actually there kind of is. Researchers have taken living cells from animals and put them inside of man-made devices. When electricity is applied to the cells to make them move, they usually just fire at random rates and directions. Recently they have lined up the cells in patterns so when electricity is added they all work together and can move the device.
More and more robots are coming and I will probably look more into this subject, considering all of the information it's providing. Most inventions are a robot of some kind. We can create robots that can do nearly everything a person can. Lets just hope that they don't go crazy and enslave the humans.

Friday, December 2, 2016

2016 Edison Award Winners

One of the world's highest scientific achievements would be an Edison Award. No, it's not a science fair project, this is a global contest for new scientific inventions. As the website says "Being recognized with an Edison Award™ is one of the highest accolades a company can receive in the name of innovation and business success."
There are tons of different categories, each with Gold, Silver and Bronze awards. Here are some of the Gold winners.
  • Cyber Safety: Project Ares gives online security teams an opportunity to test out what they can do in a realistic gaming platform that gives them real-world problems. 
  • Financial Solutions: A handheld device called Clover Mobile won this award. It can securely do any method of payment anywhere with a mobile device.
  • Food Manufacturing: 3M™ Condensation Management Film can be applied to any surface to help speed up the evaporation process with its microscopic capillary channels. Therefore making the sanitation much easier.
  • Agriculture: The Vegetable Factory is the worlds very first indoor garden environment that can be built basically anywhere. Producing nearly 30,000 heads of lettuce a day this factory could help feed future generations.
  • Space Exploration: Given to NASA for their space probe New Horizons  that traveled 3 billion miles and reached Pluto on July 14, 2015. This provided super cool information that was previously unavailable. 
  • Athletics: The worlds smallest flotation aid, Kingii, can keep swimmers safe and comfortable with its emergency wristband that shoots out a balloon and pulls you to the water surface.
  • Entertainment: Sphero's BB-8 app-enabled Droid won this award. This star wars toy will respond differently to your commands and is controlled through a smartphone app.
  • Personal Technology: A small device called goTenna can pair to your smartphone and allow you to send and receive text messages even when you don't have service.
  • Food and Beverage: The Farmers Fridge is a vending machine that provides handmade salads and snacks at an automated vending kiosk.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Every year there is a massive waste in seafood production. To prevent this SmartCatch has created a monitor that helps fishermen catch the fish they want and avoid the fish they don't want.
The list goes on and on. As you can see, there are many incredible new innovations out there as the world becomes increasingly more mechanical. Soon the world will be operated by machines that will benefit mankind.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Pocket Technology

Technology seems to be getting smaller. Phones used to basically be bricks before the lithium-ion cell battery was created. Now we have drones, mini-cameras, I think I mentioned a portable washing machine a few weeks ago, etc.
Well going along with this theme Zuta Labs has just created the Pocket Sized Printer. I know what you're thinking, I thought it too when I first saw this, "How the heck does that work?"  Being about 4 inches wide and 3 inches high it seems impossible. Actually, it's quite simple. Modern Printers are basically operated by a small printer-head that slides back and forth along the paper to print the image. The Pocket Printer is one of the printer-heads on top of a set of wheels and the creators stated that "in principle it could print on any surface." It uses the same type of battery that modern cell-phones use and can constantly print paper for up to one hour before being charged. Available in early 2017. This is a super awesome development and could lead to some great technology in the future.

Then you have the Square. Invented by Jack Dorsey, the square is a small plug-in to your mobile device that reads credit cards/debit cards right off the spot, making electronic shopping incredibly easy.

If you want to get even smaller than try these microscopic chains that were developed at Drexel University. By manipulating magnetic fields engineers can link and unlink tiny chains of beads. Why is this cool? Because over time scientists could use these beads to create more complex shapes to do more things on a microscopic level. They could prove to be extremely useful later on.

Even smaller? How about the Superlens. No it's not pocket tech, since I doubt anyone who isn't a millionaire scientist is going to be walking around with one of these babies in their pocket. Researchers have developed a microscope that has broken the size limit on what we can look at. Made out of millions of beads of Titanium-Dioxide (look it up) this lens uses these beads and has them organized into a certain pattern that amplifies the microscopic view.

That's about as small as you get, new pocket tech. is just beginning to be developed. Who knows what it's going to be like in 20 years?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Age of Innovation

Many would argue that the 20th Century was the world's greatest time period of advancements in technology and science. I went to this Historical Website to research how and why the world has changed so much in just a hundred years.
While there are many new products now days lets be honest, none of them are huge advancements when you compare it to the stuff below.

Improvements in Transportation

  • Airlines: Airplanes are now available to public making transportation extremely fast and efficient.
  • High Speed Trains: Trains are faster than ever allowing quick and easy transportation of goods and people within an area.
  • Space Travel: Man walked on the moon, can't get much cooler than that.

Improvements in War

  • New Guns: War was transformed forever with tanks and rapid fire guns, strategies had to be greatly changed. The destruction of WWI and WWII leave all other wars in the dust.
  • Air Attacks: Bombs started being dropped from the sky, now people need to be protected from air raids not just attacks from the ground.
  • Nuclear Weapons: One of the greatest threats ever created is the Atomic Bomb from WWII, changed the way war is fought forever.
Improvements in Entertainment

  • Radio: People no longer need to rely on newspapers to get the news and entertainment, easily accessed.
  • Television: Honestly, we don't think about it much but it's pretty amazing how we can watch something going on millions of miles away so easily.
  • Computers: We don't need nerds now days to calculate everything, just plug it into the computer. (But we still have those nerds around....)
  • Internet: Anybody anywhere can put anything on the internet for everybody to see. (Is that a good thing?)

Improvements in Society

  • Medical Inventions: Cures for diseases, medication, etc. People live a lot better now.
  • Civil Rights: Lets not forget that the 20th century was when America started to really recognize everyone as equal human beings.
While it is true that there a plenty inventions made before and after the 20th century, those time periods just don't compare in technological advancements. I don't know what happened there but for some reason people progressed a lot. Maybe it was in the water....

Monday, November 7, 2016

Crazy Ideas

Some ideas are so far fetched Silicon Valley refers to them as "Moon Shot Ideas." These are the products that if someone somehow figured out a way to create these, they would instantly take over the market. An example would be a hoverboard (one that actually floats). If it was possible and someone manufactured it everybody would go bananas to try and get one. Those crazy ambitious ideas are the ones that can produce the most success.
"The one's who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the one's who do."         -Steve Jobs
So the items that I am listing here from this website, are some of the crazy ideas that can be turned into reality and some of them have been.
Ideas such as's innovation to deliver their products through drones are in this category. While drones exist the possibility of them delivering things to your doorstep is basically impossible...and a little freaky. But their still working on it and trying to find a loophole or something that will allow them to do something similar.
Yves Rossy did more than think of a crazy idea, he did it. Being an inventor and former Swiss Air fighter Pilot this guy can literally fly with his new wingsuit. With four minature jet engines and a set of wings connected to his body Yves jumped out of a plan and flew 200 mph above the Swiss Alps. Now Rossy has got to be just a little bit crazy to do this but it could seriously change the world's transportation. He isn't quite ready to release his invention to the public but he says it will be available in a couple of years.
One more crazy but effective invention would be the honeycomb tires. Using Biomimicry (science that imitates nature to create new products) Resilient Technologies in Wisconsin has created a tire that will never go flat because they don't actually have air in them. These wheels are based off  a matrix found in nature: the honeycomb. The tires have six sided cells aligned in them that provide flexibility and hopefully improve transportation on vehicles as a whole.
One thing you may have heard of is the TV show Sharktank. When you think about it Sharktank is an invention about inventions. Produced by Mark Burnett this show is about a group of people who loan money to modern inventors after they have analyzed and approved that the product could make them profit. If the product doesn't satisfy the host's then no dice. If you have an invention that you want to introduce then try this TV show. (That is if you can deal with the drama)

Thursday, November 3, 2016


This next blog post is mainly about inventions whose purposes are to improve things that have already been created. Like a bike helmet that gives the user a better view of the road behind them. I revisited this website and found that almost all the innovations posted are just improvements of current products.

  • Bendable Batteries: These could be used to make all sorts of interesting machines. Such as wearable devices or bendy smartphones. 
  • Emotion Device: This new system ,that will probably be installed on a smartphone, can read human expressions with 87% accuracy by bouncing wireless signals off them. 
  • Time Recorder; No it's not a time machine (but that would be wicked), It's a wearable camera that lets you record something after you've seen it happen so that those moments you don't want to miss won't be missed.
  • Snow-Making Tech: You know those huge cylinders that spit out snow at ski resorts? Well some researchers are developing one that can apparently simulate January snow in July.
  • Octobot: Though it may sound like Optimus Prime's long lost cousin, an octobot is actually a soft n' squishy robot that is run on liquid fuel. No batteries required.
  • Interactive Video Games: Currently being developed, these new video games can allow you to interact with real objects. Allowing for a more realistic experience. If Pokemon Go is such a big deal now think of what this will do.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Recent Products

This week I visited yet another awesome website for my research on recent products. The one thing that I observed these all have in common is the fact that somebody saw a new way to solve a problem and they went out and created it. Many of these seem kind of pointless to me but they're unique in a way that makes it so people will still want them.

  • Self-Stirring Mug: While it's not that hard to grab a spoon and stir your beverage yourself, this cup mixes your drink with some super cool tech.
  • Laser Keyboard: The laser keyboard is an extremely awesome way to connect a keyboard to your tablet. Using bluetooth and laser projection you put a keyboard on any surface you want.
  • Fingerprint Gun Safe: Don't want anybody besides yourself to tough some of your important belongings? Get this mini safe that gives access only to yourself.
  • Deglon Stainless Steel Nesting Knives: Like a set of Russian Nesting dolls these knives all fit inside each other, making them easy to store.
  • Blind-Spot Free Rearview Mirror: A large mirror that replaces your rearview one. It upgrades your car and helps you make safe lane changes without having to turn your head around.
  • Pocket-Sized Washing Machine: A small and easily packed washing machine, or scrubba, can wash clothes anywhere in 30 seconds flat. Extremely useful for travelling. 
The rest of the products on the website are interesting but not necessarily as unique and I can only picture the ones that I listed above as the really successful ones.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Unsuccessful Inventions

This week I'm going to be writing about innovations that I personally think are bad ideas. This is the type of stuff that I can't see ever succeeding in the market.

First there is the Anti-Slouch Screen that I picked up from that website I visited last week. It's a computer monitor that corrects you when you start to slouch and it will continue to annoy you until you correct your posture. It will also tell you when you need to stand up and take a break. Unless you are a chiropractor, I can't see anybody wanting a computer to tell them to straighten up while they are trying to get something done.

As for that idea on terrifying playgrounds that I mentioned last week. Although it may be psychologically correct and scary playgrounds could benefit kids in the future, I can't see too many parents allowing their kids to play on such things. As a rule parents just want their children to be safe and I think only a few parents would ever invest money to help build the playgrounds.

Now I will admit that this next one sounds awesome but I still think it's a bad idea. Not necessarily because I don't think it will succeed in the market but because I think it will cause a lot of problems. Similar to the whole debate about drones spying on people, I think that these bugs will cause even worse problems. This innovation, called the Cyberbug Drone, is based around ingraining a micro-system into an insect which gives you control over it's actions and the ability to spy on basically whatever you want. As cool as it is, this would cause a great conflict between government privacy, not to mention that it could contradict the Third Amendment in the Constitution (A right to have privacy in your house). The internet already gives your local creeps a powerful weapon, lets not give them any more.

Sometimes the inventions that seem to be for the greater good can backfire and become dangerous. A crop dusting plane for example, originally used to fertilize crops but later used to drop harmful poisons in the Vietnam War. Just something to think about folks. Be careful with what you create.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Psychological Inventions

Well, I've done some more research (as usual) and I found this website with a bunch of new technological treats. It claims Wake Forest University is working on developing electric clothes. Created by David Carroll and said to be fully developed within two years. Now don't worry you're not going to get electrocuted, basically it converts the heat off a span of your clothing into electricity. It doesn't give much power but according to Richard Morgan "a cellphone case lined with the material could boost the phone’s battery charge by 10 to 15 percent over eight hours." 

Another invention would be the Strap Game. According to Jenna Wortham Strap Game is a device that replaces those strap thingies you hold onto when you are on a subway. To keep you from getting bored on the train to work, and to alert you when you are nearing your destination. 

This next one is really crazy, the Shutup Gun. You can plan on this being developed in a little more than four years, because if this thing works, you're going to want it. Instead of shooting people this gun actually just records your victims voice. Kazutaka Kurihara, one of the creators says that if you record someone speaking and play it back to them with a delay of a few hundred milliseconds, it is possible that it will take away that person's ability to speak for the moment. A phenomenon that's called delayed auditory feedback. Once this is developed you could make anyone who's annoying you shut up.

This invention is also used to solve a psychological problem. That problem being that children are too big wusses now days. The solution: Terrifying Playgrounds. Yes, these playgrounds have a much bigger chance of injury, but really this all revolves around the theory that "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." The two Norwegian psychologists that developed this are trying to better prepare kids for life's challenges. Not to mention the fact that I would have enjoyed playgrounds much better if they had steep slides and epic monkey bars when I was a kid.

This stuff is all pretty darn cool and not once have I wrote on this blog and not found an interesting invention that I had no idea existed. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Hello my peeps. Now I know that the products I talked about last week were eh... lets just say semi-cool, nothing too mind blowing. So I thought that I would try to make today's entry about something that I thought was super wicked. Who cares about the light bulb when you have the Uno-Dicycle, invented by a dude named Ben Gulak. I swung by his website and here's what I picked up.

  • There are three versions of the Uno-Dicycle. Uno, Uno II, and Uno III. (Who would've known?)
  • Basically they're  a cross between a motorcycle and a unicycle. The real wicked part is the fact that it can transform into either. Unicycle when you're going slow, Motorcycle when you're going fast.
  • When it's in unicycle mode it functions on two wheels that are side-by-side. Using gyroscopic technology to keep its balance.
  • The Uno II and III are basically the same as the first except for more advanced technology and they can reach greater speeds in motorcycle mode.
  • It's small and compact yet it has all the same benefits of a motorcycle.
 Ben's biography describes his interest in science as a youth. As we all can guess, science is the root of all inventions and if things like the Uno-Dicycle are real, then there is still tons of cool stuff to come out in the future. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016


What's up everybody! As you can probably tell from the name, this blog is about the most recent products and inventions that companies are releasing around the world. I was mainly inspired to create this blog because I thought it would be interesting to see what type of things people are coming up with now days. 

 So...without further ado lets look at the products I found on the web today. This wicked website has listed 27 "genius new products." But to slow things down a bit I'm only going to mention the first five right now.

1. There is scientific proof of a new product called Ultra-Ever Dry. A type of jelly coating which if applied right, can waterproof anything. 

2. Lockitron, a door attachment that can lock and unlock a door from a mobile device .

3. There has recently been a release of an app called PaperKarma. All you do is take a picture of some unwanted mail you've been receiving and you will be automatically be taken off their distribution list.

4. The Senz Stormproof Umbrella which is designed not to invert until speeds of 60km/h and is extended to protect you from wind and angled rain.

5. And finally the Ping-Pong Door. A regular door until you flip down the table, which allows you to play ping-pong in two different rooms. Invented by Tobias Fraenzel.

(source: Quora)